Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A pod cast in this english class is geared towards presenting a problem and a solution to that problem about a topic under our subject area.

I am struggling to come up with a topic that will provide 4-5 minutes of pod cast time.  I feel like I am covering a lot of topics in my webtext that could be further split up and be covered individually, though I don't really want to split them up.  I want to save birds being hit by cars for the slide show presentation, and I can't really think of another big topic to make my pod cast about.  Should I take the loss of natural areas portion out of my webtext and have that be the topic of my pod cast?  I don't have a very solid research base for it yet.  Then my webtext would just be about birds and the city and how people can help with safe migration.

What do you think would be best?


  1. WOW... this is the FIRST time ever, in all the years I've been teaching this class, that I've had a student not only understand she could take out a section of her Webtext to use as the podcast, but also ask me on her own.

    So, your short answer is yes. You can take out that part for the podcast, and do what you suggested for the Webtext.

    Let me know your plan. Post as a reply here.

  2. I plan on taking the lost of habitat aspect out of my web text, and focusing on it in my podcast.

  3. Okay. Since that's what you're doing, you're finished with this blog. =)
